Mexico Insurance - Excuses or Solutions?
Are you full of excuses or solutions? It seems everyone has an excuse not to sell the easiest product in the world to sell. Look folks Mexico insurance is an ancillary product, we know that, BUT people from all walks of life buy it and need it. Seriously!

- Mexico insurance is for the Hispanic market!
- Mexico insurance is for weekend warriors headed down for the weekend!
- Mexico insurance is for snowbirds and Canadians!
- Mexico insurance is for the wealthy who own homes and condos!
- Mexico insurance is for the business owners or the Maquiladora managers that cross every day!
- Mexico insurance is for the spring breakers!
If you don’t have a client in these categories, who are you insuring?
But the Mexico market’s dead, right? Yes, it tanked for a while, but it has been growing steadily for several of the last couple of years, and if you’re not actively offering the product you’re exposing yourself to an E&O hazard, pushing your clients to competitors, and missing out on easy revenue. Yes, we make it easy. In fact you don’t have to sell it in your office as customers can purchase online. Simply post a link on your website, Agency Facebook page, or send an email. That’s how easy it is. So don’t give excuses, provide solutions.
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