Hurricane Season Increases Mexico Home Insurance Requests

Each time a major storm's about to wallop Mexico, we see surges in telephone calls from prospective customers. Many of them seeking to quickly purchase Mexico home insurance, including hurricane coverage. And, of course, they are seeking to secure this important coverage quickly, before the storm reaches the shore. Unfortunately, Mexico home insurance carriers usually mandate 15 day waiting periods for hydro-meteorological coverage. Or, they'll enact temporary closures of their hurricane coverage programs until the storms have completely passed.

Damaged Home Hurricane With hurricane Earl, we once again saw an increase in demand for hydro-meteorological coverage (hurricane, wind, flood, tidal wave, mud slide, hail storm, etc.). The summer and fall (Mexico storm season) is the prime time for your agency to reach out to your insurance customers and make sure they obtain coverage for Mexico hurricane losses. Be sure to let them know the importance of securing coverage before a major storm begins barreling towards their Mexico home or condo.

Your Agency Should Sell Mexico Home Insurance

If your agency isn't selling Mexico home insurance, you're definitely missing out on a great opportunity to increase your agency's revenue. We have created an online program that makes it simple to prepare quotes for your customers. Plus it's quick and easy to complete the insurance application, issue coverage, and provide your client with their policy documents. Also, since our program is fully online and automated, you can email quotes to prospective customers, and they can complete their online policy purchase securely, whenever it's most convenient for them.

When your agency becomes our affiliate, we provide you with links to that you can post on your webpages, social media , email newsletters, and blog articles. You'll have easy access to tools to help you grow your Mexico home insurance book of business.


If you should have questions about our program, or if you are ready to get our Mexico home insurance product enabled for your account, give us a call. You may contact Mexico Insurance Online or call 844-273-5527 to speak with one of our knowledgeable agency producers.